Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An even better way to automount!

Thanks to this by joeb454 u can do it GUI now!!!

it even doesn't bug with Gparted! just perfect!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Better automount rules in karmic

Well i had already posted about automounting ur drives on startup but on the ubuntuforums topic, n0_mad reported an error and said a better way 4 doing it

so here goes

his method uses gnome-mount which is probably installed by default but if its not, its in the repos so just issue

sudo apt-get install gnome-mount

just add

gnome-mount -p Data(change it to your volume label)

to preferences-> startup applications in the command section 1 for every drive. or write a bash script like in a file

gnome-mount -p drive1
gnome-mount -p drive2

make it executable by right clicking the file and from the properties->permissions allow execution or just run

chmod +x /path/to/file

and just add that to ur startup applications using browse button infront of the command section.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Automount in Karmic

Since "Hal" is being deprecated, and ubuntu moved to devicekit-disks, i had a hard time figuring out how to set my drives to autmount on startup like i used to do with editing /etc/hal/fdi/policy/preferences.fdi and setting automount to ture.

i just found a solution for it, thanks to this

do this

sudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/95-devkit-disks.rules

at the end BEFORE:


just add

RUN+="/bin/mount -t auto /dev/sda6 /media/Programs"

of course replace /dev/sda6 with ur drive number and /media/Programs with the mount point u like.

i also added this rule, dunno if its needed, it was supposed to set me as the owner but i still have to enter my pass if i wana unmount and remount a drive again but i dont care...

KERNEL=="/dev/sda[0-9]", OWNER="user"

FINALLY! found a solution for this it has been bugging me like hell!